How Perfect....

Sometimes when you are just home with the people you love, you realize how perfect the simplest things in life are.

If you want to take care of your customers, you need to be present with them and be in the moment.
What are you doing to re-fire your life? F.I.R.E - faith, intellect, relationships, and energy - K.B
New Company... New Peoples.. New Environment.. New Challenges.. Still Miles to Go...

I am going to complete my Google Analytics Certificate on 9th June 2014. 

Build Trust at Work Through 25 Ways

  1. Follow-through on your commitments.
  2. Take a genuine interest in your colleagues.
  3. Mentor someone.
  4. Strive to be the best at what you do.
  5. Tell the truth.
  6. Don’t gossip.
  7. Keep confidences.
  8. Listen well.
  9. Incorporate the ideas of others.
  10. Praise people for a job well done.
  11. Be responsive to requests.
  12. Under-promise and over-deliver.
  13. Walk your talk.
  14. Stand up for what is right.
  15. Admit your mistakes.
  16. Apologize when necessary.
  17. Constantly build your expertise.
  18. Build rapport with others.
  19. Be inclusive and appreciate diversity.
  20. Be on time for meetings and appointments.
  21. Demonstrate strong organizational skills.
  22. Say please and thank you.
  23. Go out of your way to help others.
  24. Be receptive to feedback.
  25. Be friendly.

Arjith Singh

My all time fav song and music...  Infinity likes and my special dedication to my honey..


வேடிக்கை மனிதரைப் போலே - நான்
வீழ்வே னென்று நினைத் தாயோ ?


Everything happens for a reason. Maybe you don't see the reason right now, but when it is finally revealed.. it will blow you away.
When there is a God, there is an Evil too.. Everything has a positive and a negative side of it... Negativity is easy to acquire and get attracted to.. but eventually it kills you.. Choose the path of goodness and enjoy peace in heart.. Its absolutely worth the effort !