The Things I So Want To Do!

The things I so want to do - with you :-
  1. Wake up by your side.
  2. Go to the temple after sunrise.
  3. Morning walk. Hand in hand.
  4. Cook together.
  5. Have breakfast - at home.
  6. An afternoon movie date.
  7. Clean up the house.
  8. Evening prayers at home - with you right beside me.
  9. Go to the garden.
  10. Share the cycle.
  11. Walking hand in hand.
  12. Ride the swing.
  13. Eat ice creams.
  14. Walk in the rain - if it does.
  15. Watch the sunset.
  16. Hug you real strong.
  17. Feel your heartbeat.
  18. Whisper in your ears what I adore about you.
  19. Sing to you.
  20. Take you to dinner.
  21. Watch a romantic DVD at home.
  22. Listen to my favourite song with you - in the dark. Maalai Mangum Neram from Rowthiram.
  23. Dance together.
  24. Stargazing.
  25. Stay up very late into the night - just talking.
  26. Have pillow fights.
  27. Watch you sleep with your head on my lap.
  28. Cuddle until we both fall asleep.
  29. Leave a note in your bag pack telling you how much I will miss you - when we are not together.
  30. And the list, as everyone says, goes on.....

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