Inspiring Story

I was fired for asking for 2 weeks break.

My wife was hospitalized.

Our boy with autism was 2 years old.

I was driving 2 miles everyday to pick him up from school and check-in on my wife.

Our families are in India. No one was close to help.

I was drained. I was down. I was less productive.

I needed a break.

I went to my boss, “Sir, I need two weeks break.”

He looked at me, “we have lots of work to do for clients”

I pressed further, “I need to sort some personal issues.”
“My wife is in the hospital and my son needs me”

He got angry, “it's not the end of the world”
“Are you the doctor? Hire a babysitter for your son!”

I told him, “I can't be productive at work with my present situation.”

He lost control, “I can't disappoint my clients either! Get out of my office!”

I left in tears. I cried before heading to my son's school.

He was crying when I got there. It was late already.

I looked at him & hugged him. He had fever.

I didn't go to work the next day because it was Friday.

I stayed with him all weekend.

I got to work on Monday, I was fired.

I left speechless.

6 years after, I had co-founded 4 companies.

I realized when you hit the bend, it's not the end. Never give away your family for work.

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