Showing posts with label thoughts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label thoughts. Show all posts

The first thing you do when you sit down at the computer

Let me guess: check the incoming. Check email or traffic stats or messages from your boss. Check the tweets you follow or the FB status of friends.

You've just surrendered not only a block of time but your freshest, best chance to start something new.

If you're a tech company or a marketer, your goal is to be the first thing people do when they start their day. If you're an artist, a leader or someone seeking to make a difference, the first thing you do should be to lay tracks to accomplish your goals, not to hear how others have reacted/responded/insisted to what happened yesterday.

Listen while Talking

Your Competition Is With Yourself and No One Else » »

I never compete against the competition. The only one I compete against is myself, because one day I will beat the competition and then who will I compete against? – Billie Akauola


Michelangelo was asked how he created his masterpieces. He replied that he simply saw the works of art embedded within the slabs of marble and then set about chipping away at everything that wasn't of that work of art. Which brings me to you. And your ready-made-greatness.

Greatness comes by doing a few small and smart things each and every day. Comes from taking little steps, consistently. Comes from a making a few small chips against everything in your professional and personal life that is ordinary, so that a day eventually arrives when all that's left is The Extraordinary. Just something to think about. From a man who wants you to shine.
Whatever your goal may be, if you create in your mind a clear image of the result you want and represent it to yourself as if you've already achieved it, then you will go into the kind of states that will support you in creating the results you desire.... you're not just a leaf in the wind. You can control your beliefs. You can control the way you model others. You can consciously direct your life. You can change --> Unlimited Power
We lived on farms, then we lived in cities, and now we're living on the internet!
You get to decide what will drive you or destroy you. Disappointment, Despair, & Injustice are the fuel for Greatness! Use them!
தீயவர்களோடு நேசம் செய்யாதே.
அற்பர்களோடு இணங்காதே.
நேர்மையான நல்லோருடன் நட்புக் கொள்.
மேன்மக்களோடு சேர்ந்து பழகு.
A Person Is Always Measured By His Thoughts & Actions Not By Wealth And Degrees The Real Education Is Your Attitude & Behavior With Others !