My Brother!

Today its a Christmas and its a beautiful day to show the love and thank everybody.

If I would like to thank to somebody who changed my life in the sense I would thank my brother and he is my god father. If you have a brother really you are so lucky because he is like your Appa.

My brother is having such a knowledge in any topic and he is a pakka practical and cool guy. I never saw him in the tense mood at any time. Usually he won't speak much with anybody but if I gotta a chance we spoke whole night about a lot of things in one day.

Whenever we spoke about the things usually he shared his experiences about the life, peoples..etc. I never forget that one day in my life where his wordings hit me straight and on that day I decided where I want to be.. He guiding me in the right path to face the things whenever I suffer internally.

He is one who kick started my career in Usable Design with the experts where I started. There I gotta a lot of experiences, to find out where my strength and what I am loving. There I watched lot of movies in DVDs and Theater with the experts and then we went back to office again to work whole night. It's an amazing journey in my life.

I wish to do something for my brother and I decided already and I will make it out.

Finally.. Hey Ganesh, My Dear Brother... Thanks a lot da...

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