Kung Fu Panda

3 biggest lessons which I learnt while watching Kung Fu Panda, which I would describe as the most naked, explosive, powerful Zen movie I ever saw on big screen:
- The more you take, the less you have (this was the 'Satori' moment of my life..!)
- Are you confused in identifying yourself: Are you a student? a Teacher? The entrepreneur? An employee? The father? The son? Daughter? The answer is that you are 'All of them' at the same time (the moment of realization!)
- The purpose isn't to become like your hero.. the purpose is to become like you.. Because only you can find the answers. (the most powerful lesson any teacher can give to his students.. become YOU!)
So, before going for Ki Ka with your spouse, I will strongly recommend watching Kung Fu Panda 3, alone.. You will understand a lot of things about yourself.

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