Bapurao Tajne - Just Damn Dig It

Bapurao Tajne, a Dalit from Washim district was crestfallen when his wife was not allowed to take water from a well in his village. Burning with rage and anger, he bought few tools, and started digging a well right inside his village.

No hydrological study was conducted, he had no experience in digging wells, and it was an impossible rocky terrain. His neighbours mocked him, wife asked him to forget his ego, and live like another poor man who has to swallow insults.

For 40 days, he continued digging, without any hope of discovering water. He was a daily wager, and 2 hours before going to work, and 4 hours after coming from work, he continued digging, with the same rage and anger of being denied water, just because he is a Dalit.

On 41st day, he discovered water after digging 15 feet. Nana Patekar called him to congratulate, local tehsildar gave him bouquet, and a Marathi channel has covered his feat.

Besides being a real story of incredible determination, its a symbolic omen for those, who either blame luck for their misfortune, or curse the 'market', 'economy' and 'lack of VC money' for their inaction or so called failure (I still wonder what exactly is success or failure, when everything is a subjective matter!)

The new motto should be, 'Just damn dig it', because this is success.

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