What is the difference between a lion and a deer?

The deer gets up in the morning, because he is feeling bored, and lazy. He is not hungry (maybe horny); clueless about what will happen with his fate. He wanders along.. confused.

Later in the day, he will run for sure; but not for fun, he will run to save his life.
The lion can gets up anytime, and if he gets up, its because he is hungry. Very hungry.. Boredom and laziness are the last things on this mind.. He needs food, and he will do everything & anything to get that.

He stretches, he roars, he gallops forward, with fire in his eyes, and hunger in his belly.. He is determined, focused, he is fast, and furious.

Later in the day, he will run for sure; not for fun, but he will run to hunt, to kill and to survive another day.

Source: Facebook.com

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